Who would ever think that it would take days to put “stuff” back into a kitchen?  Mr. HCB was off bright and early to cricket - his last day of the season - so I started moving things.  It’s a tedious job, but I was determined to weed out all the stuff I haven’t used for sometime and NOT put it back into the cupboards.  It’s harder said that done though, because I just might want that casserole dish or the cheese grater, or even the pint glasses - but I was very disciplined and ruthless and we have now filled two boxes to go to the charity shop tomorrow - at least the new kitchen has made me declutter, although not quite as much as I had hoped!

Having just looked into the conservatory, there is still more to go, but now Mr. HCB is home, he can at least do some of the lifting.  The gas fitter is here sorting out the new hob so I’m hopeful that we will be able to have a stir fry for our meal tonight after being without a hob since Sunday.

Before I started this morning, I went for a wander round the garden and found these little beauties - more Salvias - named "Farina Blue" - they are really pretty and such a wonderful deep blue.

Mum was a bit down last night especially when I said I wasn’t staying for long, but I left her watching the television, so hopefully she was OK. 

I’ve had a lovely afternoon with two friends from Church, practising for the service on Sunday, so have had a good sing.  I even recorded us singing “Great is Thy Faithfulness”, a song that was on “Songs of Praise” last Sunday.  Mum didn’t know it, so I thought it would be good to let her hear us singing and playing it.

I’ve used this quote before, but it’s so good, I hope you will forgive me using it again - I have actually printed this out and put it on my fridge door - and yes, my name is Maureen and I am a procrastinator!

“Clutter is the physical manifestation 
     of unmade decisions 
          fueled by procrastination” 
Christina Scalise :  Organize Your Life and More

P.S.  The hob is wonderful - I have just cooked a delicious smoked tofu stir fry using my new wok burner - my veggie friends would be proud of me!

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