Father and Daughter

Sam and Allegra called in this morning to transfer the child seats to his Mum's car, as she has the kids on a Friday.

Beautiful day, but I've been in the attic practically all day, sorting and chucking and deciding... mainly books so far. They really are a record of my life through the ages, and of our family's life. And already culled many times. Such riches, but I do wonder whether anyone will value them in the future...

- eating Mike's bread for lunch,  in the garden in bright sunshine
- the way these books have enriched mine and my family's lives; took The Last Noo-Noo to read to the kids, loved their giggles at Marlon having a secret noo-noo stash, and the noo-noo tree that grew
- Deb cooking us a delicious dinner tonight, along with Elliott, Beth and Mim

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