
By lemonzest

Gin and Mirror-up

Polish folklore makes me fully responsible for the terrible cold I am suffering from today. It is clear that viruses were given the go-ahead to attack me after venturing out without a hat yesterday. A just and moral punishment.

This being the state of affairs, I resolved not to leave the house at all today, restricting myself to cursory fire-raising activities in the cellar. As time passed however, I resolved to address certain other burning questions that had been troubling me recently, the main of which was the thorny question of the perfect martini a propos the appropriate type of olive.

Logically I visited the net experts on the subject, where my guilty self-doubts about my choice of garlic and jalapeno were assuaged, and further my self-confidence was boosted by the assertion that 20% Martini 80% gin or Vodka to a volume of about 200mls was a good starting point for experiment. Not willing to be led astray by one information source I sought moral support here.

This was, rest assured, not the end of an arduous journey. Verily this was just the beginning of a RTFM session about taking that perfect macro shot. Yea, I turned the pages of the Canon manual and enabled the mirror up item and behold changed the shooting setting to a delay of 2 seconds. Mounting my camera on the tripod I switched the focus control from Automatic to Manual.

Meanwhile the temperature of the gathered rocket fuels was rising and demanded immediate cooling, in fact without either shaking or stirring. The fluids were added in the 'perfect' proportions, closely followed by the super-chilled ice cubes and olives in odd numbers, this being good luck according to the experts.

Not wishing to risk any hazardous evaporation, several shots were taken, following which the mixture was consumed in an unhurried manner.

This was sadly not the perfect martini, nor indeed the perfect macro shot, so now I'll have to try again:)

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