Mick, the Sheepdog!

16°C  -  23 mph Wind  -  Cloudy  -  Some Rain.  Blowing a gale, but Mick from nextdoor didn’t seem to mind.  I did brave it to empty my Letterbox of the usual Saturday morning Junk mail.  Mick loves me, but the moment I point the camera towards him he turns away.  I’ve tried several times but he always does the same.  He is a Rescue Dog  -  a Sheep Farmer abandoned him because he was useless as a Sheepdog! He is very gentle so perhaps chasing Sheep didn’t suit his temperament!  Here he is turning his back on the camera as usual  -  you can see some of the gale debris on his lawn.  I thought it would make a good Silly Saturday contribution  -  one of these days he might allow a proper portrait shot!  Thank you, admirer, for hosting the challenge for us Silly Saturday blippers

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