The stonework can be saved

9.3C staring grey then brightening in the afternoon. Mild.

Apothecary7, Maeve the Deerhound and I went for our walk before lunch. We went the usual route but didn't go to the beach. Before turning for home we went along the High Street to see if anything had happened at the shops where the fire was.

There was a fire engine present and a firefighter examining the site. The owner was there too, in a hard hat, making calls on his mobile. I spoke to a man who knows the owner and he had been told that the stone frontages will be able to be retained although a lot of the other walls will have to be taken down and clearly the whole roof replaced. So far the verdict seems to be that an electrical fault caused the fire.

The following was posted on the "OurCarnoustie" Facebook page:
Bill would like to say a huge thanks to everybody who has posted messages of support via various sources.

He will be re-opening in the old Mel's Pet Shop in a week or two where he will continue to sell fruit and veg plus offer a dry cleaning/alteration service (using facilities provided by a friend).

He has asked if customers can bear with him as he will be back.

The long term plan is to rebuild and re-open within 6 months. Knowing Bill's determination and all the support he has been offered we have no doubt in this.

All the best Bill.

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