The allotment

I've packed a lot into my day. It started on campus with three meetings, then I walked to Waverley to meet Mr hazelh and catch the train to Berwick-upon-Tweed. My middle sister and Mummy hazelh (who have spent the past three days on Holy Island) collected us from Berwick station. My middle sister drove us back to Mummy hazelh's house, with a stop at Barter Books in Alnwick en route.

This evening before dinner my middle sister and I popped into Hexham to buy some supplies for tomorrow's festivities. We also took a peek at our allotment. (It's 'ours' in the sense that it belongs to the family. However, we don't maintain it. Sections of it are currently rented out to four other parties.)

This evening we gave Mummy hazelh her birthday presents and card. They were greatly appreciated.

My blip shows the 'front' section of the allotment.

Exercise today: walking (22,569 steps).

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