Dad as EB

Dear Dad post evening meal when I've realised I've nothing to offer of great interest/novelty. We are listening to 'Composer of the Week' c/o BBC Sounds which I've finally mined for music etc. This week's subject is Henry Purcell, so we're having a bit of joyous Purcell overload.

Less joyous was my visit to the vet this morning with Poppydog. We are trying different medication to see if there's improvement in her dodderiness and vacancy and general under-the-weather-ness. Honestly, I don't hold out much hope but she may surprise us yet.

Food shop then Hunt The Parcel which Hermes claim to have delivered, kindly providing a shed and parcel picture as proof. Apparently they also got our signature. Not our shed but probably our parcel ... and both Hermes and Amazon send you in referral circles from one to t'other - what a great system transferring all possible responsibility into the ether. I finally tracked it down 3/4 mile away in a different postcode after helpful pointers from a couple of folk in a village where I know nobody. What a mad world.

Dad had an instant microwave meal tonight. I'll do better tomorrow as he'll be back to that sort of fare far too often from next weekend.

And now I will sew ... and probably sleep, hopefully not snoring quite so loudly as Pd!

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