The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Wanna Play?

Although I am fond of dogs, I was deathly afraid of them as a young child. I was knocked over by a German Shepard when I was a year old, and it took many years for me to get over the trauma. As a result, my early love of animals gravitated towards cats.

For several years, I had to be content with loving our neighbor's cat, Tiger. Eventually, my parent's broke down and we got a kitten.

Somewhere along the way, I received these pins as gifts. I still remember chewing on the tail of the tortoiseshell cat when I wore it. The silver kitten resided on my winter coat for several years, and is scratched from being tossed around in coat rooms at school.

I love these contrasting pins. There is something playful about them. They bring back fond memories of my childhood.

Isn't it wonderful how little things can keep us young inside?

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