A day in the life

By Shelling


Get to know my workplace for this afternoon at Kalmar theatre, opened in 1863, renovated in 1987. What you see is the foyer of the second balcony (of three), where I usually reside during performances, if I'm not watching the show from one of the two boxes. Todays Show was called "A taken out heart" by the trio of clowns calling themselves 123 Schtunk. 

The play is about August Strindberg played in their way. There is a script but it's wildly improvised on so that anything can happen. They are completely hilarious and the audience is in tears from laughing most of the time, when they are not participating one way or another.

Summer has made one of its returns today. A couple of days ago I turned the heating on and made a fire, brought the flowers indoors and started preparing for a cold, windy autumn. Today was twenty two degrees in the shade, mild winds and people enjoying their ice creams. When I got home after the play I could sit outside in my T-shirt till half past seven when dusk creeps up. 

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