Bringing home the food

Hadn't long been back at the apartment after work, when I didn't clamber on the scaffolding which is now in place on most of the building. Because of the possibility improbability that we might risk life and limb, the builders have proposed to seal the doors onto the decks for the duration (three months) of the remedial work. As those doors are the only source of ventilation for our apartment (apart from two small windows in the bedrooms) we objected. Council upheld our objections and they are proposing an alternative barrier. 

I did not clamber (nor would I). However, I did go to the still in place balustrade and looked over. Saw this blackbird fly onto the roof of the neighbouring house. Made a nice picture. Only when I loaded the photo onto the MacBook did I see the delicacy it is carrying. Probably waiting until I went away before it identified the locality of its nest by returning there.

This is the first time in a long time that the day of the equinox passed me unnoticed. This is not a bad photo to ‘mark’ the spring equinox; a blackbird carrying food for its young.

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