It was definitely too hot for a hike. 30°C and no clouds in the sky.
Quite windy, which helped to keep the mosquitoes away during the day, but our evening walk was a horror story. I think we got back inside in 10 minutes and with 100 stings each. (I did put the repellent, but it does not have any affect.). We also brought about 100 inside with us. Now we have family fun by killing them.

Last night there was no wind at all and we could hear the mosquitoes make this noise that sounded like a machine being on far away. Very weird sound. At the same time you can hear some of them near your ear. This mosquito situation is insane. It's even worse than the last insane one. This is infernal.

The picture is doggy biscuits. We went to do some shopping and the dogs got their treats too. We bought them doggy muffins. You can see here:
They were very happy!

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