Silly .............

 ............ Saturday155   (SilS155) - thanks to admirer for hosting.

Uploaded on Wednesday 25 September 2019 - trying to catch up from the medical kerfuffle on Friday.

Now the pink bear is not silly per se ......... but I thought that my description may be a little silly - a bear in "Bear"varia  -  as opposed to Bavaria!   >groan< 

There are quite a few of these full-sized bears throughout Freising near Munich - I especially like her painted toenails  :o))  -  and it looks like someone has given her an extra hat!

In the extra are some little leather trousers (lederhosen) "slap my thigh" style.  Quite normal in this area but would look kind of silly in London or any other UK town or city.

A massive thank you to everyone who sent love and good wishes for Himself and also conblipulations for my 3000th blipday ...... 

~ Anni ~

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