Strange bug

I've had a lovely day today. Up at 6 am and at school, with a coffee in hand, by 7.45. My five senior students arrived around 9 am for a three-hour speaking assessment practice. I'm so proud of them; they are all working hard. We had one student in tears; she was getting a migraine and was pretty worn out. I sent her home and told her to rest up.

My beautiful colleague, CS, who had kindly come to assist, and I went out for lunch once we'd finished.

Then off to Riddells Creek to catch up with SG. It's been too long; I always love catching up with her.

A 4.30 chiropractor appointment was next.

Then home to water the garden with Little Miss, who is in a fantastic mood. She just loves the sunshine! We spotted this odd looking fly/bug thing on a daisy in the garden. It was so small that we couldn't see what it was without my macro lens. It was quite lovely.

Thai takeaway for tea and a chat with Mr B. He's home tomorrow. 


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