A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts


Started my day early with a meeting at my local Chamber of Commerce. The folks were warm, kind, silly and encouraging. I did not expect that - not sure what I expected, but I am excited about the support they can offer me. They gave me lots of marketing ideas (again unexpected) and asked me a lot of questions about my business (as though they were interested). Several were burly older men who I would have thought might poo-poo a girlie soapy endeavor like mine. So hurray for girlie soap endeavors!

Afterward I rushed to meet the kids so we could take Owen on his first real train ride. I took 155 photos and many were quite good. I truly captured the emotion and excitement of his first train ride. But I chose this one to blip today because, honestly, I think it's the first really good photo I've ever taken. Maybe I'm just partial to this face. I love him so...

Today I am truly grateful for my grandson, for new business leads, and for the warmest day of 2009. Here's to FIRSTS!!

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