Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


As a follow up to my recent malady I was called in for some tests and procedures. Today was test day. This entry comes with a Too Much Information warning.

Test #1 was a fairly routine CT scan at St Lukes, the same place where I’d had an MRI on my knee a few years ago.

Test #2 was at a new location for me (you can see that I treat my medical visits with the same seriousness as my groundhopping), the grandly titled Westwood Park Diagnostic Treatment Centre. I wasn’t looking forward to Test #2 given its intrusive nature (cystoscopy). It proved to be more unpleasant than anticipated, a situation which was exacerbated by my autism (medical practitioners note, I really don’t want to talk about my job while a camera is being inserted through my urethra).

Test #3 was a hidden bonus, not mentioned in letters or pre-procedure discussion. Something along the lines of, “While you’re lying here we might as well check your prostate” and with a snap of the surgical gloves we were away.

I am trying to deal with this in a light tone now, partly as a way of processing a bad, but necessary experience. I did write a small essay on my feedback card trying to explain what had gone badly wrong for me. Nothing that was the fault of the professionals that I dealt with, but something more systemic about autism awareness and responding to hidden disabilities.

Within all of this I did come across two exciting new pieces of Bradford heritage during the day. I passed the boundary marker pictured on my walk up Cooper Lane from the bus to the clinic. Earlier, I spied a fabulous ‘new’ ghost sign that had been revealed during some shop front refurbishment in Piece Hall Yard (extra).

I should of course finish with the good news that the tests haven’t thrown up anything serious. Just some more kidney stones brewing. I don’t particularly want a repeat of the kidney stone incident that hospitalised me 20+ years ago, but least that’s something I know about. Nothing new is always a relief.

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