Not a beret in sight!

Woke up to the predicted monsoon like conditions! We decided to contact our friends to get their thoughts on ‘weather’ the planned days Racing at Haydock was a goer.

The consensus was to cancel the racing and meet mid afternoon at our house.......which turned out to be a really good decision as the race meeting was abandoned after the first three races!!

The six of us spent a leisurely three hours catching up... started with tea/coffee then onto the wine!

A quick change and out to the little french restaurant in town, first time we’ve been at the weekend, much busier, but just as good!
More wine of course! Have you seen the size of those bottle gone before we had all been poured some!! The guys have all been work mates for many years......between the six of us we span two decades!!

Two friends headed off after we left, whilst us four walked back to ours.....almost made it, but not quite, absolutely tipped it down about ten minutes from home!!

After drying off, we opened yet another bottle....chatted some more.... think we called it a day around half past midnight :-)

Slept really well funnily enough ;-)

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