
By Ronniebofa

Weight loss journey- progress report 29092019

Starting weight (25 May 2018 = 273lb)
Today’s weight = 178.6lb
Average weight last week = 177.6lb
Average weight this week = 178.1lb
Weight gain this week = +0..5lb
Note: I weigh every day first thing and calculate weight loss based on average weight for the week.

Not such a good week for me this week in terms of weight with a gain of half a pound and reversal of negative trend with today’s weight one pound higher than last weeks average. It’s another brick wall I’m going have to knock down. Looking for reasons it could be that I’ve not been so active: my activities at the Peak in terms of gym and classes have not diminished but as the nights get shorter I have not been able to spend much time in the evenings in the garden and allotments and as a result my steps for the day are down by about 2,000 compared to 2 months ago. Another reason might be too many yellow label purchases and eating more than I should and not realising the calorie deficit necessary for continued weight loss. Moreover the dark evenings and their sedentary nature leads to a greater desire for treats to occupy the time: for instance last night I consumed a whole pack of deflect noir dates that was purchased earlier in the day and was meant to have lasted the week - I’m not buying another pack till next Saturday.
My goal for the next week has to be to get back on track. How do I plan to do this? In terms of organised exercise there will be no let up in my activities at the Peak in terms of gym and classes ; in terms of diet I will be super vigilant and ensure sufficient calorie deficit and avoid too many snacks/treats. Wish me luck!!

Hope you’ve all had a good week and the scales are better for you, than they’ve been for me.


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