It Started Down Under

By dirk

Sculptures at the Beach

Today i slept in. Until 7.30 and I was really very much awake. So I watched a movie and then went downstairs for breakfast. After an afternoon on the internet I joined Ashley and Josh to go to the Sculptures at the Beach.

On the photo is an example of one of those sculptures, there were some strange things there (the ball in the ocean is one of them). I filled my shoes with sand (by accident) and got a chance to empty them in the restaurant where we had tapas and tiramisu.

A quite plane sunset later we went back home where we watched part of a movie until we could go to the Perth Festival in the Music Box. We did some crazy dancing there with Josh and his friends. It was so much fun!

Afterwards went home to Ashley and Alex's and watched an ancient Disney movie. An awesome night!

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