Eggshells (MM297)

Quite what possessed me to think these eggshells would make a restful monochrome blip now escapes me - but here they are!

Today was intended to be a resting day after the excitement of the photo exhibition and a day spent on preparing the office for decoration.  However - to make room for the new furniture, the old bookcases etc have to go.  As the weather was not looking good for anytime after midday the collection for the local Church charity was done before noon.  We have a couple of other things to go on Thursday and we decided the carpet would do for one of their clients so Gill and I spent the afternoon cleaning it, taking it up and then putting my desk and PC back into a state I can use it in for the next 10 days or so.

St Peters in the village organises the local foodbank, a baby clothes bank, a furniture bank and also provides services like debt counselling. It would be easy to think, looking around, that Kineton is not the sort of place these things would be needed - but they clearly are and it is good to know our cast-offs will go to helping someone rather than landfill. 

And - we realised it is exactly one whole year since I retired :-)

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