hello again

By admirer


The sun did shine after lunch and many butterflies used the warmth to come to the Buddleia tree. Mainly peacock butterflies.
I had been awake during the night for a while, and awoke at a rather late hour. The sight outsite did not help much. A strong wind, so I kept inside.
When the sun appeared I loved to enjoy it sitting on the balcony.
I watched the tutorial of my lightroom and learned some important things.
Perhaps I will try tomorrow post a picture from there, but not today yet.

My photo shows a close up of a white butterfly on the Buddleia.
Huge thanks to Barking for hosting the Tiny Tuesday Challenge.

Tonight I will give my first silly hearts to gblrps, TMLHereAndThere, PicturePoems, dfb24, and Yana1.

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