Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Last night the dinner at Skinner's Hall was very good. I was not aware that it was a dinner and a wine tasting, lead by the extremely knowledgeable Jane MacQuitty who is the wine expert for The Times. She had a theme of old world versus new world wines, and there were three tastings of two different wines, one from each category. She was very informative in a non-pompous way, and I learnt quite a bit about wine. In each case the cheaper, new wine got most of the votes from the dinner guests. One of the bordeaux's that was tasted was an eye wateringly £53 per bottle, and yet the new world wine of less than half that price - 2013 Kanonkop Estate Cabernet Sauvignon - got the vote for being more enjoyable. I don't drink wine as I don't like it and it does not agree with me, but in the spirit of the evening I had tiny sips of each wine so I could see what she was talking about - by the time I left the dinner I had a thumping headache! I can recommend the 2013 Undurraga, Altazor Alto Maipo from Chile if anyone cares to taste an excellent red.

Tomorrow Thomas leaves home to go to university - a momentous day for him, and for us his parents, as with Luke and Adam living in their own homes we are now empty-nesters. Thank goodness I have Xena for company (as Gavin never listens to what I say!!) I decided it was appropriate to take a photo of him on the eve of this next big step in his life. He will miss Xena, and in the extra they were having a cuddle.

As is typical with the boys, Thomas told me this afternoon that he needs all sorts of stuff to take to university - talk about last! Mainly kitchen things which I had not considered necessary as he is fully catered for, but as his college has such a lovely large kitchen he wants to cook a few meals for himself. So I managed to order from Argos using click and collect and then go collect everything from our local Sainsburys.

Tonight we are going to our local Italian restaurant for a farewell supper for Thomas.

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