Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


I took Xena for a walk in the woods before training this morning, thinking it would tire her a bit and she would be a perfectly behaved dog at training - but the opposite happened, and she would not concentrate on any of the exercises we did at training. There is a box of toys for the puppies and she just wanted to play with them or play with the dog sitting next to her. 

It certainly feels like autumn now, it is cooler this week and you cannot get away with going for a walk without a jacket. Today was dry but not much sunshine about.

Tonight I am joining Gavin at a dinner at Skinners Hall in London, as he is a member of this livery company and so is expected to go to certain events each year. Luke and Adam are both apprentices so they too are coming to the dinner. They are usually very formal dinners with all sorts of traditions that I find rather peculiar! Still, it is held in a beautiful dining room and the dinner should be good. 

Thomas worked his last day at the cafe today, he is using tomorrow to pack and get his stuff ready as we take him to university on Saturday.

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