When is a wall not a wall?

Passed this on the way home, and despite the last of the light I decided to try and blip it.

It sits in the middle of the field, well maintained, with a lovely gap stile, but either side wall-less. When I arrived there was a crow sat in the tree wondering if it was a folly or not.

Are some of the walls in our lives a bit like this, they somehow ward us off going beyond but in reality only require a small if intentional detour?

I picked up the guitar again today, I'm a bit rusty, but you know something - I'm not that bad either.

Elsewhere in the world of awesome things, after 10 years at the tender age of 66 - David Bowie released a new single "Where are we now?" - fresh and new and so Bowie and perhaps comfortable with fragility. Happy Birthday Mr Bowie you legend.

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