Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today's been a really fun day at work, even if my feet are killing me from all standing and walking. We have removed all of the Dahlias now and taken care of the flower bulbs. They will be dried and saved for next season. Some flowers also got saved. The frosty nights didn't kill off all of them. We have orange, pink/white, yellow, a surprise bunch with no flowers, and then the beautiful dark pink/light pink one now renamed 'Sauron' thanks to a 'creepy' shot I took of one of them. :D The sun was shining and we had so much fun while we cut of stems, dug up bulbs and rinsed the bulbs from soil. 
Now I'm home on my couch under a woolly blanket, and the rain is starting to fall. Another cup of tea, I think. :)

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