Sycamore Tree in the Rain!

10°C  -  37 mph Gale  -  Visibility 2.8 miles  -  Rain.  The wind kept me awake for a lot of the night  -  it hasn’t abated during the day either!  I had to brave the weather to stock up with food  -  luckily got a parking space right in front of Lidls door.  Looking through my window just now  -  2.55 pm  -  I can see a little yellow poppy.  How it has survived this gale and sometimes heavy rain is amazing  -  if it’s still there tomorrow I will certainly blip it!  What you see now is my Sycamore tree through a rain-drenched window!  Must be indicative of our weather that I seem to have an awful lot of rain-drenched window blipsâ˜ș  Meanwhile, I am awaiting the birth of my next great-nephew, and a visit from Gay just in from New York.  Things are said to come in threes, so I am wondering what the third will be!!

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