
By cowgirl

Sci Fi Hibiscus!

First day back home and all the joy of sorting everything out, unpacking, laundry, dealing with various bits of stuff that need dealing with, spoon feeding the invalid cat with tuna, realising the fridge is empty so a quick trip to the supermarket was a necessity ...

Anyway, the best news is that Shadow is recovering from whatever it is that's happened to him. He's managed to get downstairs and came outside with me to relieve himself. He tried to go for a walk so I took my life in my hands and picked him up. He must be feeling weak as he growled at me but didn't try to use his teeth or claws! Anyway, he was adamant that he needed more time outside so in the end I let him go, then worried I'd been stupid to let him out and then was so relieved when he came back not 5 minutes later. Life with cats is an emotional roller coaster ride!!

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