
By HareBrain


I’ve had a wonderful morning with two great friends (ex-coalface workers) and with C’s grandson Henry and K’s son Harry;   two absolutely gorgeous little boys.  We had so much fun, did a bit of yoga together, ate chocolate cake (not too much on the cream carpet!), played LOTS of games and then Henry scared us all with his monster impressions. (Please note Henry's Peter Rabbit jumper beautifully knitted by Granny C).
In the afternoon I went to see my brave friend June, just home after 11 days in hospital having had her prosthetic knee joint re-built after being destroyed by an unknown infection.  Cultures are being grown to establish from whence the infection came:  a Horse Fly bite or wisdom teeth removal.  I found my friend as upbeat as ever, despite being incapacitated, in some pain, on a lot of medication and her leg not being out of the woods yet.  We had lots of chat, quite a few cups of tea, I took  Dotty (her dog) for a walk and put my non-existent hairdressing skills to the test:    a much needed hair wash, blow dry and style.   J said she might hire me for future hairdressing appointments……  just joking!

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