Out and About

By LeslieBigos

Gray Day in Seattle

No, this is not a black and white photo. This is a typical winter day in Seattle. It's gray, it's dark and one just wants to curl up with a book, take a long nap and eat.

We all complain about the gloom on days like this. We come back from vacations in sunny and warm places and wonder how we could live somewhere where the sky is muted and where we brighten when the weatherman says "afternoon sun breaks."

The trick to living here in the winter, I think, is getting exercising, getting out and about and occasionally taking a break from the place in the winter. Some love skiing but even our local slopes can lack sun.

When I first moved to Seattle, we had a streak of 88 days of rain. I became depressed and trundled off to my doctor's for some Zoloft.

Spring will be here soon and then the glorious days of summer will be upon us, or so I tell myself.

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