
By Snowyjones

What could possibly go wrong.

Yesterday the skies cleared and I spent an idyllic day switching between the sun bed and the pool, my mountain top paradise all to myself. Got chatting to an Australian couple over dinner when ‘The Staircase’ took on a whole new level of foreboding as on their descent to the restaurant they’d had to side step a hooded cobra. One minute they were telling the restaurant staff about it and the next minute we had been poured shots of snake spirit and the count of 3 began. Trying to ignore the container from which it came ( snakes/lizards to name a couple of the inhabitants ) I duly downed their generous gift of the local liqueur. Informing us of how strong it would make us we were then challenged to some arm wrestling, might have to drink some more of it as I didn’t do very well. Today, feeling remarkably normal I accepted the offer of being shown round the island on the back of Tracy and Dean’s motorbikes. I hired this state of the art ‘hello kitty’ safety helmet from the hotel and off we went. But not very far...,,things started feeling a bit bumpy and soon a Vietnamese lady was pointing out that we had a flat tyre and motioning that I should get on her bike. Much nonsense later we had a new bike and off we went into the national park. It was truly stunning and a great way to get around so before they left for their bus Tracy had organised a lesson for me from hotel so I can hire one tomorrow. We shall see how that goes, am guessing I will be getting the same helmet which is obviously totally cool does not fit at all.

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