
By Snowyjones

Chasing butterflies

Today began fearful as I contemplated all the things that could go wrong with me in charge of a scooter. I needn’t have worried as after my 30 second lesson and attempting to go down the drive I looked back to see her face etched with fear. “I think no” were her words and I couldn’t help but agree although I am sure I would have been an expert after another 30 second lesson. Deciding I would walk the 10k she still looked doubtful although not terrified, it was clearly the scooter she was worried about. It was an uninteresting walk and an un-enticing cove and clearly everyone was confused as to why anyone would be walking there. Refusing offers of lifts on the back of scooters, mainly because of how hot that black plastic seat would be, I made it home to my safe haven of a pool and an air conditioned room.
Clearly having had too much sun I taxied it to the post office to send home some bits and bobs of things I shouldn’t have brought. On arrival I discovered I had left my purse back at the mountain top so back I went, up the staircase, back to the P.O. and then it was going to cost me £65 so I didn’t bother. I did, however buy some crisps and chocolate for my dinner in an attempt to settle the old tum.

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