Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

New shelves

We helped Z to move some tall, chipboard bookcases from this space.  We also helped her to deconstruct some large wardrobes in her bedroom.  She's succesfully disposed of all the items on a local selling site called Blocket.  See extras for the wardrobes about to leave. 

We then spent several hours in Ikea yesteday whilst she chose new shelving, and browsed wardrobes.  Now W has put up the shelves.  Z is very happy with them, though they will obviously look better once she's got her paintbrush out.

There's a large space with different wall decor and a very dirty floor in the bedroom awaiting decisions regarding wardrobes. (2nd extra - pink rabbit fell off the top of the wardrobe when it was removed)

We had a lovely roast dinner at R's this evening.  Third extra is a final photo of Robin, a bit blurred because he was not keeping still.  He's still very fond of the caterpillar costume, but is rapidly outgrowing it.  

We fly home tomorrow. 

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