Creative Disaster!

Woke about 5.45am with a stinking sore throat, dosed myself with paracetamol and tried (mostly unsuccessfully) to get back to sleep. Hot honey and lemon for breakfast then remembered the brack which needed finishing that in the oven by which time I could have more paracetamol! Did yesterday’s ironing while Mum had her breakfast then I decided to get dressed.

Meanwhile in the oven disaster was striking...the cake bubbled over the loaf tin (that’s never happened before!) so I had that mess to clean up! Whilst I think it’s probably edible it will need to be served in a bowl with a spoon and custard...there’s no way it will slice up for buttering!! I won’t be getting creative in the kitchen any time soon again!!

The weather has turned as miserable as I feel...a very wet mizzly day, I won’t be venturing outdoors.

Thanks to Barking for hosting Tiny Tuesday this month.

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