Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Palming it

Whew... busy day began with the window washers, ( involves moving some plants and furniture and stuff  but I got good photos of my mom’s  glass ..on the window shelves..for her book my other journal...).  the car estimater person who finally came to look at the Volvo before H took it to a body shop and got an appointment in 2 weeks, for new bumper etc etc...a condo landscape meeting for me,  then pick up Fiona from school’s Tuesday!   to visit the Burke today ( her take on the cafe... not nearly as brownies, but the fry bread was pretty good ..they are trying to serve indigenous food) .we played a good game of mandala in an exhibit  about the interconnected ness of cultures and kids and games, and checked out the fossils etc, .... and one can see all the work being done there with the glass walls around all the labs.....but she still says she liked the old museum better..   (this is the 3rd museum in her 9 years that has been entirely rebuilt  from dark and crowded and very kid friendly to light and airy and architecturally interesting but where is all the stuff the kids liked... I’m including the Nordic and also MOHAI ,,museum of history and industry.   ). Then home for chocolate cake with candles for H’s birthday yesterday, work on a shrink art project, then pizza and since we couldn’t talk her into going to a basketball game we took her home early, ( she couldn’t wait to show us their Halloween display which will have to be a blip this month). drove to Bellevue in the dark (not easy to find...) and watched Nik’s  team lose the first game in this tourney most of which we have the very highly ranked team from Mount Si.   The extra is Nik trying to block the red headed shooter who couldn’t  miss for at least 35 points. 
And the blip is Oskar whose thumb is almost better but it’s also almost the end of the football season... he’s showing me what he can do with a basketball now! 
Enuf for one day... time for bed...couldn’t edit these musings down...sorry

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