Daily Tales

By PamelaJ

Baby it's cold outside. Tralala.

Smudge has found herself a cosy place next to the wood burning stove. She is wondering why we don't light the fire. Could it be that we don't have the logs ready. We are making do with central heating at the moment. Not as atmospheric though.

It was Ian's mum's birthday today so Ian took us out for lunch to the Bo-Peep. It was a very pleasant time and we had a relaxing afternoon back home with tea and coffee and homemade cupcakes . The Bo Peep was selling pot roses, orchids and cyclamens to raise money for Cancer Research. I bought a red rose to take to a friend tomorrow, and Ian's mum bought a pink one for me. That morning the Bo Peep had held a coffee morning to raise funds for the charity. We did not know about the latter event. Hopefully they raised a good amount of money.


It's been a cold, grey and wet day again. The sunny weather of yesterday was short lived.

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