Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Without question the best part of a cup of tea is the first sip. When your eye lids are heavy, your hair is sticking up everywhere, you’ve got your slippers on and you plonk yourself down on the sofa. You have one hand on the handle and the other gently holding the hot mug. You pause for a second with rim of the mug on your lips as you close your eyes for just a half second. And that first glorious hot sip where your heart is filled with a warmth and just for moment, everything is bliss.

And this is the absolute truth- cups of tea saves lives. There’s a reason why when the wars finished they gave tea and biscuits and not protein sachets and smoothies. Tea is the answer to all lives problems, just think are you anxious? Tea! Stressed? Tea! Had a really challenging poo? Tea! And the list goes on my friends because at the end of the day a hot delightful cup of tea is all you need.

Happy Blipping.

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