Because this is who I am

By Brighde

My Ladies

I haven’t seen my mum now for three months. I think when I don’t see her for a while I think, obviously, how much I love her and generally cannot do anything without her. She lives 160 miles away which I mean, is an issue in its self. I knew moving to Manchester I wouldn’t be able to see her as much and for the most time we see each other once a month but because she’s such a busy bee and I was starting a new job, it’s sort of been too long.

A long long time ago before I was born, my mum lost her mum and dad. For a long time we didn’t talk about my grandma because it would make my mum so sad to speak about it, so I didn’t really ask and every so often she would tell me something she used to do or the fact she was a gin drinker. Even now I don’t really know a lot about her or my grandad. So because they weren’t in my life and no one talked about them I sort of forgot about how she didn’t have a mum. Plus when you’re little you don’t really understand about how your mum has a mum and how they took care of her how she’s taking care of you. But now I’m older, and I think about all the things my mum has literally saved me from or helped me with.

However, I can’t help but think about my grandma. I wonder what it would of been like to have her in my life. To be able to go over to her house and her to make me pancake lasagne in her baked bean kitchen (she acquired the billboard for a baked bean advert and decided to wallpaper her kitchen with it). So many people talk about grandmas and how they make you feel better or stuff you with sweet treats and give you Christmas money. I don’t doubt that my grandma would be the same!

So it’s been three months since I’ve seen my mum, I speak to her everyday ALL day because I miss her so much. But that doesn’t nearly compare to the fact that my mum will never speak to her mum ever again, and I know she’s looking down on us with her caftans and bright blue eyeshadow, probably with a G&T in her hand. But I don’t half wonder what my life would of been like if she was by my side in real life.

On the flip, I get to see my mum on Saturday and I’m SO excited.

Happy Blipping.

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