Cat food

Compared to some cats I've had, Jasper is slightly less relentless when it comes to food.

Benedict would have nearly ripped a new bag of biscuits open, Wilson would be doggedly (can I say that?!) at it, and Jasper was kind of getting the idea that maybe he could break into the bag.

No abandonment, starvation, or trauma. That's the difference. Mind you I wasn't going to leave him with the bag either! The bag is as big as, if not bigger than Jasper.

My finger is holding its own and while I feel pretty blah at the end of today, I'm hoping that an early night and a good sleep will see me right. It's good that I won't be tapping away at a computer tomorrow.

We've had steady rain today. The dry parts of my garden will be happy, the heavy wet parts less so.

Today's gratitude: For perseverance. I finished the working week in a good place.

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