Johnny the Bogs ...

... also like to stop and stare at the sea. Is this the one that visits my pond I wondered? Unmoved by the goings-on in the human world he was unimpressed by my looking at him and flew off to another rock shortly afterwards.

I needed two walks after the rugby (thrashed) - a yomp around the headland and then another round the circuit where I encountered Himself. We peered amongst the seaweed for wreckages of the Man of War, still a few in evidence. On returning we learnt of the Brexit vote - another walk needed!

Too busy to blip yesterday, we were given tickets at the last moment for a gig at Bantry House In the evening. The time on the ticket was 6pm - 11pm - that sounded a rather punishing schedule. Himself decided to pass and I rocked up at the House for 5.30 - most ticket holders had been informed that the starting time was actually 7pm. A long evening but the musicianship was incredible - 4 sets, all sort of jazzy/bluesy/hints of rock and a bit of tango!  Natalie Duncan flew over from Nottingham, had a horrendous journey and then sang like an angel! Camilla Griehsel finished with Mamasongue - singing in at least four different languages, it was based on her mother and her own personal journeys. She was so charismatic and mesmerising, each piece flowing effortlessly into the next, a performance complete with dance, and no break for an hour and a half.

And two curious chaps for Silly Saturday - definitely cousins of Hamish and Morag!

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