Half in / half out

I sat in the sun at lunchtime, half in shade and half in 30 degree sun. I like being hot but it was a strange sensation of toasting on one arm whilst the body was rippled by the cool gusts that often blast through Maputo.

I thought about whether to try and unpick the complexities of the latest Brexit shenanigans. For shenanigans are what they are. I decided I’ve lost the will right now to read the vast detail of the last few days, although one Twitter comment I saw summed up the situation, given the lauding (by certain elements) of Boris Johnson for amending a deal which is still unsatisfactory to those the only change impacts (northern Irish), versus the general slamming of his predecessor for any compromise she tried to make.

‘Theresa May right now is every woman who’s ever said an idea in a meeting & had everyone ignore her only for a man to say the same idea two minutes later & have everyone congratulate the f*** out of him’.

The blip title also refers to our Brexit status. Who the hell knows what will end up happening.

I took a chapa (minibus) ride to the beach for an afternoon of sun, reading and chilling. As the temperature is warming up, it was busier than my last visit. Mozambicans deem anything below 25 degrees as too ghastly and cold to spend time on a beach. Now in the Southern Hemisphere Spring people are heading down in greater number to hang out, listen to music or sell cashews.

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