Blippish Columbia

By OllieG90

Through the Window

Today has been a weird day weatherwise. It started out foggy but promising as the sun was breaking through, yet within an hour the fog had rolled in again. It continued to do the same thing for most of the day really, although the only glimpse I got was from the library.

Arrived at uni and spent the day coding my sources (after teaching myself exactly what coding is and how to do it!) with Louise and Sarah. Its nice that friends are starting to drift back to uni now! Adrian joined us in the afternoon too. I really do seem to spend all my time with him at the moment! We were sat in our usual library spot on the top floor in the area affectionately known as 'Ikea' as the furniture looks to be straight from the eponymous swedish furniture store. Oh the creative mind of the university student!

This evening was spent with Jess at The White Cross having a long overdue catch up as well as meeting her new fella (we approve). Finally sorted a date out to go and see Andy in Warwick too which will be fun. Incidentally Andy was the one who introduced me to Blip and can be found masquerading as Social Photographer!

Todays blip was captured through the window of the bus on the way to Campus. You can just make out the university wind turbine in the distance which gives us 30% of our power, cool huh?! you can also make out the condensation on the window where I didnt wipe it down well enough. Rookie Error!

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