Long day

Apparently it's been Wednesday today, although don't take my word for it. I'm still quite lost despite having just been speaking with Steve who is definitely more on top of this days of the week thing than I am.

Didn't start well, Charley was sick in the early hours so I lost out on about three hours sleep cuddling and rocking and nursing and leaping up to mop him up again and he was none too pleased about it either. But, he has bounced back and I'm starting to think that actually his teeth might be to blame again. There were some definite white bumps visible along his gumline earlier. Poor kid, teeth then 'flu AND teeth, then the sickness bug and now we're back to teeth.

So after breakfast we declared bathtime and, keen to avoid last week's screamathon I got in with the kids and it was a MUCH calmer affair. Charley was even laughing by the end! He still shouted a lot at being sat down in the bath but at least he had a hairwash and allowed me to wash the rest of him while he stood up. Ben was amazing, doing all sorts to try and calm Charley down and make him giggle and relax, and then surprised himself and me by putting his face in the water (he didn't like doing this at swimming lessons) AND opening his eyes under the water AND touching the bottom of the bath with his face AND doing it again and again!!! He has conquered a fear, all by himself!

Ahhh happy clean children.

Playdough this afternoon and pipecleaner fine motor playthings, and I managed eventually to get a small batch of bicarb clay made ready for a test batch of heart ornaments. The clay ornaments alway take longer than I expect so I'm glad I've finally got round to starting experiments!

Ben's batman pyjamas arrived today and he was rather delighted with them :D They are sized for 4-5yr olds though and I was sure I'd ordered 3-4yrs, as Ben is only just growing out of 2-3yrs clothing. Hmm. Still the teeshirt fits and looks ok ad it's short-sleeved and despite having to constantly hoike the shorts up Ben has been happily wearing the set all afternoon, showing everyone his cape and the fact that it comes off!

Charley has learnt a new skill: waving. He's clocked it as something people do and after waving goodnight to Grandma and Grandad last night (the first wave!) I thought I'd see if he'd wave hello to Steve this afternoon via Skype. And he did!! He looked SO pleased with himself too! He waved another goodnight to Grandma and Grandad this evening after looking delighted that they were waving to him: he recognised the action :D Lovely to actually see and recognise developments like this!

Steve is off to Maidstone tomorrow for an interview for a job that doesn't yet exist (interesting!). That would entail moving house as he doesn't think a commute to Maidstone would be tenable, longterm... And the China job is a permanent position too, if he took that one.

This year is a year for big changes (but what remains to be seen), a year to Stop things, and Start other things (stop having a career? who knows).

I know we've been praying for doors to open where there seemed to be no doors and pethaps the most surprising door (to me, anyway) has been a door in me which has opened in my heart allowing me to actually feel excitement about potentially moving to China instead of being completely dead-set against it. So yeah, the emotional barometer is swinging towards excitement about all this at the moment. All the practicalities about any of these jobs are by-the-by really, even as important as they are; we just want to be sure we're going where God wants us to go, being where He wants us to be.

At the prayer meeting this evening someone read out Proverbs 16:9. "A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure." Fits in with the pictures we had last month, about knowing what the goal is but not seeing the whole path. Steve and I were also chatting about having roots and how being rooted somewhere doesn't always mean you stay there physically. It's similar to having firm solid foundations. From them you can grow. And take wing...

Anyway, enough late night rambling. Today's photographic offering is a play invitation ready for tomorrow: small amounts of different coloured dough for modelling :) Of course it has been put back into tubs overnight but for a change I have actually got a play invitation planned now!!

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