Young love in the park

Zebedee broke up with Victoria this morning, she broke up with him a couple of weeks ago and then they got back together and now he has broken up with her… He went out and left her here. By about mid day she’d been crying for some time I went in there and she was very hot and her eyes were puffy and she was very upset indeed, she had work starting at 4 o’clock and I asked her if she was still going and she said yes so I said she had to get up and have a shower and get herself together, I made her a cup of tea and left it by the bed and after about an hour went back up and we had quite a long chat..... basically she is looking for a husband and he is nowhere near settling down to such a serious commitment. I felt very sorry for her, she came down and Max, Gulliver, Erin and I all said goodbye to her.
Zebedee came back shortly afterwards looking very sad, they have been messaging each other all day, she is not in a good way at all but he just needs to ignore her if he can or it will be harder to get over it... we’ve all been there or at least I have... there are no easy answers.

I watched kind hearts and coronets with Gulliver and Erin, one of my favourite films.

I record some vocals.

Gulliver, Erin and I walked through the park to the shops and got groceries for tea, we don’t have a car anymore so every day I walk to get food is required which is fine because I was go for a walk anyway.

Erin will be here for the week as it is half term and her mother is ill possibly with mumps.

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