
It was a nice clear, crisp morning when I took PD out. Very nice, but it really causes my back to seize up.
I took the big camera fitted with the macro lens hoping for frosted cobwebs and the like. That was a fail - but there was nice low raking light that was lighting up the mushrooms (just a shame I wasn't up to getting down to it properly).
As we neared the house Smudge was peeking round the corner. He isn't an aggressive cat, but he will stand his ground because he thinks the whole neighbourhood is his. Due to PD's complete disregard and distain for cats there were no fisticuffs despite PD strolling past within 2'.

SWMBO was 'late' in arriving with the monsters (still on a school holiday!) and had an appointment for a mammogram so I didn't get the opportunity to go and speak to the chef today.

It was another long walk at lunchtime ……. but took an age because PD was catching up on every bot of gossip he could sniff out. I suspect that he just didn't want to spend any more time in the house with the monsters than was necessary. It meant I got the chance to stop and look at my favourite root and the feathers that were high and low.

There are other pictures poster with those linked.

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