
By RonRagsdale

Framed View

The only thing I really felt like I accomplished today was recovering access to the business page on facebook! I think it took about 3 hours of trying different things. Finally found, by pure luck, that having someone else search for the account made it appear! We then had to get the password reset recovery email get forwarded from one old email to another, which ended in clutter. But fishing it out, and entering the code, and hey presto! Back in! A wonderful feeling that it wasn't all locked away forever. 

It was very rainy today, most of the time. I have my old glasses on again, as my new ones are getting a replacement lens for my left eye. My trusty watch is still full of gremlins. Stops randomly when I wear it. Works fine for a full week, perfect time, when the watch repairman wears it! We can't figure it out.

Anyway, on the footpath back though the rec ground, I'm constantly struck by this view (at least for me, at my particular height) where the distant tree is perfectly framed in the V of the branches of the tree in the foreground. The colours were so nice, too, that even despite the drizzle, I thought it needed to be captured, even if just on my phone camera.

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