RTT session

Since we were in bed really early last night we woke up with new energy and got the kitchen tidied, the closets filled and the party stuff back in the press.
I had my RTT appointment with Kathie and left at 12:30 pm to be in time.
Kathie lives outside Glasgow, but it only took 25 minutes to get there.
We had a chat and them my RTT session under hypnosis began ......

Well - to cut a long story short - I am very difficult to be hypnotised! My conscious mind is incredible resilient and we gave up after 3 attempts.
My body was totally relaxed, but the head did not switch off! 
Kathie was - understandably - a bit upset! It was the first time that she did not manage to hypnotise a person. And she had people that consciously blocked her and she succeeded!
I was more than happy and open to it, and it failed!
We discussed the points and she is determined to try again after getting advise from her teacher. 
We decided it was a good thing to happen, as I was not a paying client and she can practice with me to get even resilient minds to obey :).

Before I left I met her husband Gordon and we had a chat together.

I was home after 6 pm and Neil was in process to get my studio in cleared.
I continued in the kitchen.
It will take a few days before everything is back at its place.

We dined on left overs and watched a couple of episodes of Shield.

Blipping Kathie's beautiful Art Deco house!

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