The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Jack Frost out to play...

The three of us slept until 8 am again - I know, what a lazy bunch of layabouts we are! They were snoozing their paws off when I got up and we pulled back the blinds to find this heavy frost. A gentle walk followed and after some yoghurt I went to the Docs. After an hour of waiting to see her (sitting in a germ filled room!) she informed me I have a gastroenteritis viral infection and my neck and head pain are a side effect. So, no work until Monday at the earliest. Bloody great. I hate missing work.

Anyway, home to do bugger all. It seems odd to do nothing but I don't hav the energy to do anything. I'm eating which is positive but the soup at lunch made me feel very sick - so that's gone in the bin. Back to yoghurt and cottage cheese and prawns and salmon. They are my tummy friends!

Nice to talk to you again today, that's one bonus of being off work!

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