
Definitely an emergency blip but they ARE beautiful. Our power has been turned off again and we are in the dark (in more ways than one) about how long it will last this time. We’re being led to believe that the decisions are all based on weather conditions.

I’ve been thinking about why this is so stressful. I think it is partly due to the fact that the county, the power company and several agencies have been sending non-stop alerts to our cell phones as well as by email and text. It is almost a relief when they finally turn the power off and it all stops. The other reason is that the claim is that the shutoff is necessitated by the red flag fire weather and there is not one person here who doesn’t have PTSD over that!

The third reason is probably just the fact that nobody trusts PG&E anymore. If they aren’t competent enough to notify people that they are turning their power off, and the only way they can ‘keep our customers safe’ from their own equipment, how can they be trusted to do anything?

We feel slightly more prepared this time and are considering it a dry run for whether it is worth investing in a generator.

I’m posting this via my phone since the WiFi is out and I can’t use the computer to post pictures from my camera.

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