Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Ivy and Eve

We saw a few minutes of light sky this afternoon, a hint of something resembling sunshine peeking through the clouds. I was out for a long walk with two girlfriends to witness this little miracle first-hand.

After the relentless rain we've had since New Year's Eve, you'd think a glimpse of blue skies might help chase away the winter blues I've been feeling. Quite the contrary. I came home more despondent than I've been in ages. It's like being teased with forbidden fruit.

My cure this evening will entail kitchen therapy: I stocked up this afternoon on brightly colored vegetables to prepare a meal of comfort foods. Diced turkey in a creamy mushroom sauce with sauteed yellow onions and red peppers and a side of green beans.

We'll eat by candlelight.
And sip wine.
I'm feeling better already.

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