A bit under the weather

Was waking up in the night with a sore throat and had a slow start in the morning.
I had a call with the pilot at 10 am and made him the proposal for the Antonov wall art. He is still indecisive and I promised him to send him a couple of the test prints I had done.
Freya came over at 1 pm to collect what she had lost on Saturday and we went for a quick coffee at William.
While we were sitting there, Peter popped in to drop his flyers, so we sat together for a good blether.
I went back home and wrapped the prints, put my new stickers on the back and stamped the wrap with my new branded stamp and felt very professional :)
I went to the post office and then to waitrose to buy stuff for dinner.
On the way home I walked through the botanical garden where the preparations for GlasGlow event were made.

Back home I caught up a bit and wrote the full proposal for the pilot, then started cooking dinner.
Neil was home between 9 and 10 pm and dinner was basically ready.

We both fell asleep on the couch.

Blipping the Kibble Palace.


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