Dawyck Garden

It's a while since we were in Dawyck - the rhododendrons and azaleas were in flower - and, having missed out on autumn colour yesterday, went to Dawyck, which could be relied upon to oblige with several blipportunities.
And so it proved, with maples in particular giving a fine show. This is a classic Dawyck publicity shot, with the red maple behind the bridge over the Scrape Burn, though in fact there are three maples planted together making this fine display.
The birds were also in evidence - a family of coal tits played near some steps while a nuthatch foraged along the mossy edge, blue and great tits flitted in the trees and, to our great delight, a goldcrest fed among leaves above. Pheasants were wandering up by the beeches, gloriously iridescent as they turned in the light.
Stopping in Peebles on the way home we took advantage of the 20% Off Everything sale at  Castle Warehouse, purchasing a couple of useful kitchen items.

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